Interesting Animals


 Zeus is a blind owl whose eyes truly look like twinkling galaxies. When you look at them, you can't take your eyes away. It feels like you are looking at a sky at night filled with shiny stars. His starry eyes are the result of clots of protein and blood pigment. His condition is probably the result of an attack by a predator, but it's possible he also had a flying accident. He only has around 10% of his vision, so he cannot be released back into the wild and so stays at the Wildlife Learning Center in California where he receives a lot of TLC. 


Bird of Paradise

Ofcourse you are asking yourself: What is this? A new animal?. Yes, this animal is the Bird of paradise. From its name, it is very interesting, as you can see in the picture, we have 2 birds, one of them is black and the other is brown, guess which one is the bird of paradise? 
I think you say its the black one, that's true, the black one with some blue color in it is the paradise bird, and here the bird is a male performing a dance for the female to attract her and mate with her. Really, that's so interesting. 

Check here the dance of the Bird of Paradise

Arctic Hare

Is this a rabbit? Yes, a rabbit, but not as any rabbit, he's a special one. Once you look at him you just want to hug him and feel the warm sensation of this furry animal. This cute rabbit is the arctic rabbit or arctic hare. This rabbit lives in very harsh conditions at very low temperatures of the North American tundra. Many animals that live in such cold environments, we know that they hibernate which means they enter in a period of deep sleep, to escape from the very low temperature and the decrease in food sources. But this animal is very strong, this arctic rabbit don't hibernate, he adapted him self to this situation by certain behavioral and physiological changes. They have shortened ears, and a very whitish thick fur on their bodies, which hides them from predators because it takes the color of the snow (camouflage). But in spring, this animal change its color to blue-gray color. However, this animal feeds on woody plants and mosses which they need to dig in the snow to have them. This animal is regularly hunted by people, mainly to use its very nice fur for clothing.


One of the most animals that I really really love, Dolphins!
Dolphins are very funny and lovely creatures that most of the people love, and here I'm going to tell you some more facts about dolphins, which will make you love them more. Dolphins as you now they love playing so much, in addition to that, they are very intelligent, and the evolution of their brains is similar to humans! However, when they sleep, half of their brain will remain working, perhaps! the other half is sleeping!. Dolphins also are very social, they love to live in colonies and not alone, they play together, hunt together and eat together. Also, in some situations, they show their love to humans, when one of the people was endanger due to a shark near him, dolphins circulate this person to protect him from the shark. Dolphins can live for about 50 years. Finally, dolphin babies when are born, they stick to their mother for a long time before depending on themselves, they might stay with their mother 3 years, or up to 8 years.   


Jelly fish 

نتيجة بحث الصور عن ‪jellyfish‬‏

Jellyfish are one of the most amazing aquatic creatures that are the main food for many aquatic animals, and the favorite meal for Leatherback turtles.  If you look at a jellyfish, all what can you see is a transparent sac-like structure as if it  is flying in the ocean. Jellyfish don't have a heart also or any other organ. In fact, these species don't have a brain, but they do have nerve nets which sense changes in the environment and coordinate the animal's responses. Many jellyfish have bioluminescent organs which allow them to glow in the dark. Surprisingly, if you cut the jellyfish into half, each half is able to re-generate it self and produce two new jellyfish. They feed on fish, shrimp, crabs, tiny plants and even other types of jellyfish, and they digest them very quickly and if they don't do that, they will not be able to float in the water. Finally, as you know, the sting of the jellyfish is harmful to humans, and for some jellyfish species, it can be deadly. So stay away from jellyfish and don't touch it. 


Box Jelly fish 

As you can see, that's also a jellyfish, but not any jellyfish. This jellyfish is deadly, its venom is among the most deadly venom in the world, which makes it the most toxic animal in Earth. This jellyfish is called the "Box jellyfish", since its shape resembles the box. Its venom contain toxic chemicals that attacks the heart, nervous system and skin cells. People who were attacked by the box jellyfish died due to heart failure, and some survived but they suffered from pain for several weeks. This jellyfish can live up to 1 year. It can have up to 15 tentacle, with 10 feet long each, and each tentacle contains 5000 stinging cell! What is special about these jellyfish species is that they have eyes, specifically they have 24 eyes of four different types and of dark brown color. Two of these eyes resembles the eyes of humans and can form images. These eyes allow the box jellyfish to respond to light and avoid obstacles. Also, one of these eyes is always looking up, even if the jellyfish is swimming upside down. Although it is a carnivore animal, eating many fish and shrimps, sea turtles are unaffected by the sting of the box jellyfish, and they can eat them easily! 


Sea Horse

Sea horses as their name shows, are horse-like animals that live in the sea. These sea horses have a very special unique characteristics. First and the most interesting one is that the male gets pregnant and give birth to about 2000 sea horse per one birth. After an 8 hour courtship dance with the female which include spinning around, and changing colors and swimming side by side, the female will put her eggs in the male's pouch, then the male fertilizes them, and he become pregnant.In addition to that, sea horses prefer to swim together with their tails linked together.  Sea horses have no teeth and no stomach, so that food will pass through their digestive system very quickly.

1 comment:

  1. oh i loveeee animals , after you article about dolphins now i'm loving it more , thank you


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