Monday, December 31, 2018

Implementing Global Fluency in the Classroom: Activities, Tools, and Lesson Ideas for Leveraging Your Classroom's Student Diversity (webinar)

This webinar was presented by Brad Gosche. First he defined what is global fluency which is the knowledge, skills and mindset needed to live and work effectively and successfully in a globally connected world. And this global fluency will have an effect in education and students. It is very important to have a knowledge about many cultures, and specifically as teachers about the culture of students. Culture will influence all aspects of our different environments, interactions, and perceptions of others and reactions to our students. And those who succeeded in this, they enhanced student's learning experience. Cultural competency in this webinar was compared between different countries, like Mexico and United States, and in an average, Mexico was the winner. One of the ways mentioned by Brad to enhance culture knowledge, is using different languages to say hello or good morning. He mentioned: Namaste, Magacca, Mahadsanid, and Nabadeey and many other different languages. Also, he mentioned a very important relationship between teacher and students, he divided the relationship into 3 different zone, danger, comfort and growth and learning zones as you can see in the picture below. He said that the best relationship is the growth and learning zone, not the comfort zone and not the danger zone between teacher and students.

1 comment:

  1. It is really a very important and interesting webinar,it highlights on the most important thing in classroom which is the relationship between students and teachers.


Implementing Global Fluency in the Classroom: Activities, Tools, and Lesson Ideas for Leveraging Your Classroom's Student Diversity (we...