Sunday, October 21, 2018


  Education is a journey that starts at home, and continue in schools. It starts since we born, where we learn new things, skills and behaviors. This education is passed from a generation into another. For me, its better to start teaching children some skills before entering the school, teach them some numbers, some colors, letters, countries, different languages... and this education process is still in home area. This will help them more, so they enter the school having some general information about what they are going to learn in the school, especially that the first few weeks will be hard to them. Then, this process its going to be continued for about 20 years of their lives. It will open their minds into new information, ideas, researches, inventions... they are going to build the base of their future in these years, and as harder as they work in these years, as much as their future will be stronger. Education is an obliged enlightening experience for every one of us, if we miss this experience, we will miss the light of our candle. 

Friday, October 19, 2018

What we want students to achieve?

   To start with a successful year, students must know what is needed from them to accomplish and how we want them to behave, this will help the teacher all over the year especially in controlling the class for a comfortable period for both, the teacher and the student. Some of these standards are: quality and quantity of work, work habitats and work procedures, business and housekeeping routines and interpersonal behavior. The first one stands for giving students a clear, direct and detailed idea for what to do in a homework, classwork, or a project. For the second one, they should know how the work should be submitted, or how it is going to be organized. The third standard we can summarized it from housekeeping word, which means students must behave in the class as if they are in their homes, from cleaning to communication with their friends and from respective to each other. The last one deals with the relationship skills between students with each other and with the teacher.
Encourage them 

 "This is important", " You can do it", "I won't give up on you". Simple phrases that have a lot of effects on students self confidence, behavior and their educational achievement. You don't have to enter a class just for teaching the syllabus for the students. You are a model for students, in the class, and outside it. As a teacher, you should motivate your students to work, to study, to enjoy coming to school. However, even if they failed in something, off course their self confidence will be zero, so as a teacher you should sit with them, listen to their story, show them some of your love that should be from your heart to in order to touch their hearts. You should always be their motivator in their good and bad days, the three phases mentioned at the beginning have a huge impact on their lives, not only for a few time, or the present time, but through all their lives. 

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